Volunteer Director
Kevin Nyawade

Hi everyone, I’m Kevin Nyawade a young & passionate individual born and raised in Kenya. Currently I’m pursuing my academics with excellence a goal, aim, vision and mission to be a productive person in my community. I personally do believe that everything is possible if you believe in yourself & keep on striving for greatness. I have showed up in many occasions and have seen the impossible being possible.
My greatest motivation to be part of this foundation after being involved in three phases of showing love to the society, Am greatly inspired by what this is meant to achieve. I have seen genuine smiles through this foundation, I have seen hope in people we have reached out through the association and above all, I have witnessed the true definition of Endless Love through the foundation.

“I want to be part of endless love foundation” & use my story to empower and change lives that’s the voice I get from my heart. I’m looking forward to joining forces with endless love foundation and empower an African child

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