Development Director
Emmanuel Opiyo

Hello good people! my name is Emmanuel from Kenya.
I was born and raised in entire childhood was surrounded by poverty and my dream was that one day I’d be the refuge to those still in the state of poverty in my community.
When I joined campus I worked with several charity clubs in different universities in Kenya...our main agenda was to help those in need....
Serving humanity has always been a part of fusho I’m positive that’s what inspires me to be part of the endless love team..
Currently I’m a 4th year student taking Bachelors in medicine and bachelors  in surgery...I’m also a model;I do pea-gentry  for fun...I’m the current Mr.publicity Uzima university Kenya(my campus)
During the day you’d find me at the hospital attending to patients, in class or in for practical sessions.

On weekends I do train young models and also attend various modelling  events and shows to showcase my skills in modelling and also inspire young models out there that no matter the field you into you can still do other co-curricula activities...
One of the ethos in the field of medicine is saving humanity, so
I’m glad I’ll have the chance to work along with people with the same goal.

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