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Ammar Fadhil

Hello, my name is Ammar daud fadhil. Currently year 4 student doing MBChB.well i love football as part time as well as modelling. I grew up in a village called Kizingitini in lamu County where I used to stay with my parents but unfortunately things happened on the way and lost mom and dad alone was not able to take care of me so his small sister called Swabaha Ahamed Lali took the responsibility to take care of my studies and took me as her son. And finally adopted me after my dad also passed on in 2010. So honestly I thank God for this far to have someone who took care of me. I always imagined what if I didn't get anyone to hold my hand this means we have many children out here who were in same situation as me but were not lucky enough to have such opportunity as I had so this really drives me that one day I will help someone doesn't necessarily have to be family but any child who has struggled who is orphaned to archive their dreams.
I am happy to be part of the endless love foundation because I feel like am in the right place with people having the same motives and ideas to help the less fortunate and give back to the society.

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